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Wellbeing Outcomes & Experiences

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Wellbeing Project Outcomes

For the past four years, we have been measuring the impact of our programmes and the positive changes they have made to the quality of adults and young people's lives to feel less anxious, stressed or depressed and feeling calmer, connected, resilient, happier and more self-compassionate. 

Here are the recent 2021/22 outcomes and experiences of the young people we have supported aged 12-25 years from pre and post-course self reported wellbeing scales and anonymous feedback.


We have also included anonymous feedback from parent family sessions.

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Read Young People's Testimonials


The course has been very beneficial for my daughter and myself. I've learned that mindfulness is about far more than the breath. I'm finding ways to nurture myself and be far more present with my family and the world.

It's helped me to know that my daughter has this knowledge to support her with her mental health. For myself, the mindfulness practices I can draw on and practice.

I've learnt to live for the now rather than always planning ahead.

Thank you!

Mother & 18 year old daughter

Totally practical and relevant course for a troubled 24 year old. Wish I could have recorded you.

I've learned to be kind, take one day at a time and remember we are all human. I've learned to observe emotions and recognise the difficulties. I found this helpful for me and my son understands the benefits and will hopefully remember your great insights.  The emotions and systems chart and kindness have been most helpful. We just need to apply it.

It does work!

Mother & 24 year old son

This course has let me identify my own thoughts and shown how often I am not "present in the moment'. I have really appreciated that my daughter was not labelled with her problems and was treated as a worthy individual. The sessions have helped my daughter and I to discuss situations and how to help deal with the thoughts in her head.  My daughter leaves the centre so positive and refreshed each week. This gives her the strength to keep fighting her illness. Thank you Julie for allowing us to meet with you every week. It has been a great journey.

Mother & 17 year old daughter

I would say that the course has been good for me to have the session each week to allow myself and my daughter time to think. I have valued the 'time out' and feel this has been very  beneficial for my daughter also. I think she has also enjoyed doing it with me. I've recognised the need to be mindful about day to day situations and learning the breathing practices to allow some space in a busy day. These have been very important and helpful for my daughter. I'll take away with me to remember to be kind to others and in turn myself. 

Mother & 16 year old daughter

I've valued spending quality time with my daughter on this course.

The sessions have allowed me to remain calm during difficult periods and learning to focus on the breathing exercises especially in hard times have been very helpful to me and my daughter.

I've learned to be more mindful of how we treat ourselves as well as those around us. My daughter has learned that using mindfulness in life makes it a bit easier and more valuable. She understands that to be able to help others she needs to help herself  first.

Father & 18 year old daughter

I just wanted to check in now we have reached the end of the 8 week course, with a huge thank you to you all for delivering such a wonderful experience. I don’t think I have come across anything like this since the pre-school days, and it has been an inspiration. It has been lovely to know that the kids are being nurtured and guided by you in a way which is otherwise missing from their everyday lives. My son has really enjoyed all of the sessions, and I know that the lessons, wisdoms and overall happy experience will stay with him. Thank you as well for the brilliant communication after each session- I feel as if I have been part of the course myself....I have just watched the final video from this week’s email- and if you want feedback on how it made me feel, well it made me cry... a lot! So thank you all again, I hope you can continue to expand and offer this service to more and more children.

Mother & 15 year old son

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